So I finally got my first trays last Friday! I have to say, the worst part of all was the cleaning beforehand! I was scheduled for a cleaning this Wednesday but we decided it would be easiest to get it done while I was in on Friday....and boy was it brutal! My Invisalign dentist is not usually the one that cleans my teeth so I had no idea what I was in for. Let's just say, she's not the most gentle and I'm surprised I didn't pass out from forgetting to breath. Anyway, once that agony was over, she put the attachments on. For many days leading up to this point, I was very curious about how the attachments would be applied so I was oddly looking forward to this part of the process. The most memorable aspect was being an observer to the curious banter my dentist and the assistant displayed as they both had their fingers in my mouth holding the mold firmly in place. They were so close to each other that they were pointing out the oddities of each other's faces. It was pretty funny...guess you had to be there. Anyway, once that was over, my trays were popped in and off I went. I really wasn't sure what kind of sensations to expect but they were definitely tight! I had already had a headache for the past two days so I'm not sure if the tightness had any affect on that. Eating is a little different because my attachments cause me to bite the inside of my mouth. Did anyone else experience that? The second day my teeth felt a little tender and sensitive but definitely nothing to cry or complain about. Yesterday and today, everything is a lot less tight. I haven't really had any trouble getting my trays in and out, thank goodness! All in all, I've had a great first 3 days and am already looking forward to the second round!
hang in there. the attachments take some getting used to but they're not so bad after a while. remeber to drink lots of water!